Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Mafia Wars New Fight Result

We have New Fight results statuses!
See at fights now..Red/Yellow/Green fight result status.....

Green for winning result...

New Fight Results

Yellow for winning result but with more explanation..

New Fight Results

Red text for losing result!

New Fight Results

Good one, team... now we can see clearly the difference between winning or losing!

Mafia Wars Super Pignatas

So the Super Pignatas are here!

super pignatas contains some very nice loot items! ask your friends to send you some pignatas!!


Super Pignatas

And Finally the Grand Prize: Gray Wolf! 127 Attack ; 94 Defense

Gray Wolf

You can accept up to 5 Super Pignatas per day.. Please don't open more Super Pignatas, otherwise you will have this message..

Super Pignatas

Enjoy your weekend, guys!

Mafia Wars Robbing In All Cities

Now we have Robbing in all cities..
Please have a look..
Mafia Wars Robbing 

Mafia Wars Robbing Cuba

Mafia Wars Robbing 

Mafia Wars Gold Treasure Chest Items!

Ok, still have bad glitch on this Gold Treasure Chest!

Some of our friends bought 2 gold keys.. But they cant unlock the gold treasure chest.. 18 RPs are off to unlock it without using the keys!

Mafia Wars Gold Treasure chest

I think you can submit a ticket to Zynga support team.. they will gladly help you with this issue..

Anyway, these are the screen-shots of Gold Treasure Chest items that I can get so far..


Wars Gold Treasure chest


Mafia Wars Gold 
Treasure chest


Mafia Wars Gold 
Treasure chest


Mafia Wars Gold Treasure chest


Mafia Wars Gold 
Treasure chest


Mafia Wars Gold Treasure chest
They are all from St. Patty's Day Event! What an ugly item we can get from unlocking that Gold Treasure Chest!

Mafia Wars Diamond Drops From Robbing

got the diamonds from Robbing!

Mafia Wars Diamond 

Mafia Wars Diamond Collection

This is my lucky night! I have tried to find the screen-shots and now I get it..
You can see from above screen-shots that I didn't succeed on all robberies.. but still able to collect the diamonds..

Well I'm sure lots of you have these collections too..
But do you have them as many as this player?

Mafia Wars 
Diamond Collection

No, it's not mine.. belong to one lucky players that able to have more than lots of us! He said it does need lots of luck to collect those whole sets!

Mafia Wars New Zynga Request Page

So the time has arrived for all of us to be able to accept and send free gifts faster!

Just visit Zynga Message Center or Zynga Request Page by clicking on the icon beside your HELP button on the game bar..

Mafia Wars New Zynga Request Page

You will be arrived here..
There are 5 tabs, you may view all the gifts or request, view Mafia invites only, view Free Gifts only, Energy packs, or Crime Spree!

Mafia Wars New Zynga Request Page

I suggest you to click one by one instead of clicking on View All button.. because I have just accepted Energy Pack accidently although I don't need it yet..

You can send back each gift right away to the sender!

Mafia Wars New Zynga Request Page

There is also one new feature that we're able to earn Loyalty Points from accepting gifts! So open all your gifts and collect all rewards..
The example below is when you claim your Mystery Animal gift from your mafia.. you earned 5 Loyalty Points as well!

Mafia Wars New 
Zynga Request Page

This one from answering Crime Spree request and you also earned 10 Loyalty Points!

Mafia Wars New 
Zynga Request Page

According to Bossy Don aka Jane from TopMafia.Info, we only able to claim up to 60 Loyalty Points in a day! Thanks for the info, Jane..

The same thing also happen for another Zynga games.. now we don't have to go back and forth on FaceBook request page to do that.

Thank you, Zynga team! I like you all more and more now!

Mafia Wars upgrade Cost For Chop Shop

Everybody aware that now we can upgrade our Chop Shop to the highest level, ie: level 10. But we need more Chop Shop items to do that..

Upgrad Cost For Chop Shop
Just click on the "Collect Materials Now" button and you'll arrive to this page (depending on what level are you know).

Upgrad Cost For Chop Shop

Mafia Wars Free Chop Shop Vehicles

Wanna have those gorgeous vehicles from the Chop Shop??? Well I do!

Remember that we can get a chance to have 1 item from our wishlist using Mystery Bag feature?? Naaa, now you know you can have the vehicles even from the top level aka level 10!

All you need to do is put the vehicles on your wishlist.. and open as many as Mystery Bag as you can have from your mafias..
Yeah And yes, we can send these new rides like a normal giftable loots..

Here are the links to put each new rides on your wishlist.. Make sure you empty your wishlist first before doing it..

Simply copy-paste each link on your browser..

New Rides Wishlist Links

Level 3
Chop Shop
36 Attack/34 Defense


Level 4
Chop Shop Car
CM Santiago R10
Attack/30 Defense


Level 5
Chop Shop Car
Rebel 2
Attack/45 Defense +5 Stamina


Level 6
Chop Shop Car
Russian Dazatz 45
Attack/46 Defense


Level 7
Chop Shop Car
Solar Flare
Attack/34 Defense +5Energy


Level 8
Chop Shop Car
Thai XS Max
Attack/35 Defense


Level 9
Chop Shop Car
Trio Napoli
Attack/23 Defense


Level 10

Chop Shop Car
Red Angel
Attack/49 Defense


What are you waiting for?? Go put them on your wishlist and start opening your Mystery Bags!

Chop Shop Level 10!

One of my best mafia has already upgraded the Chop Shop to level 10!

So this is the screenshot of Chop Shop before you have unlocked level 10 and after..


Mafia Wars Chop Shop


Mafia Wars Chop 

We can see that he even got all the Car Parts he needs.. I envy him, don't you?

He was just doing the jobs over and over.. of course he has tons of energy to get all of the Chop Shop items and also the Car Parts easily.. Nice one! I wish I had that Red Angel!

Mafia Wars Chop Shop Upgrade

Ok, now let's discuss about upgrading the Chop Shop to the highest level, start with level 2..
I have collected enough Chop Shop items and able to upgrade it..

Mafia Wars Chop 

So I got 11x Car Parts as bonus from having Chop Shop level 2.
And then I tried to Build Cars for the first time, I click on the "Build Cars" button available on below sceenshot..

Mafia Wars Chop 

It took me to this page of Chop Shop level 2.. so I only have these 2 vehicles available..

Mafia Wars Chop 

Too bad I only have enough Car Parts to choose building the first car only.. So I clicked on "Build" button... I got this one :

Mafia Wars Chop Shop

Not bad!
It is a common vehicle.. it's OK.. I try to find more Car Parts to build the second car, but too bad.. we can only build a car in 24 hours! Trinity's mood

Btw, I know now.. we can have all of the Car Parts from doing any jobs and any fight in any city! But the Solar panel and Bulletproof Glass are the rare one to get! Some suggested me to find them both on New York city, Boss Tier on the first job aka Settle a Beef... Permanently job! Thanks for the info, my friends..

I suggest you to just collect all the Car Parts as much as you can.. because you still need them on another higher levels.. Have fun building the cars!

Mafia Wars Car Parts Items

I'd like to post about the list of Car Parts items.. but I don't have the full list because I miss one item, ie :

Bulletproof Glass

Bulletproof Glass

I don't know where to get it.. from fight??? or from doing job??? which city, please?? Kindly give your info to me..

Mafia Wars Chop 

All other Car Parts comes from doing any jobs & fight according to the city you're in.. you can have it in New York, Cuba, Moscow and Bangkok! I got all but no Bulletproof Glass so far..
Actually now the Chop Shop items also available from doing jobs & fight in any city as a loot drop!

Here is the list..


You'll need lots of them! Because certain vehicles on the upgrade levels require them before you can build one.. So don't waste on giving them for free to your mafia.. unless if you don't want to have more free rides!

Mafia Wars Updated Chop Shop

Another enhancement of the game!

Soon we'll be able to upgrade our Chop Shop in New York properties!

Check out the news below :

Chop Shop Cars

Now, not only will you get car parts dropped from jobs and fighting, your Chop Shop will also produce car parts for you. Collect and turn them into hot vehicles. Also be sure to upgrade your shop to produce more car parts and unlock new rides! Updated Chop Shop coming soon!

Beat The Feds Event Is Gone

Zynga have announced this on their forum: Beat The Feds Event is unfortunately rolled back.

Beat The Feds Event Is 

Link : http://forums.zynga.com/showthread.php?p=6345361#post6345361

What's wrong, Zynga?
Published and taken it back... I hope they don't rolling back my account.. because I hear that some players are rolled back already..
