Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Bangkok Fighting Bug!

I should have posted about this when FIGHT was out in Bangkok few months ago but I forgot.. I feel so shame

Now, after a while still so many of you confuse about this.. so let's talk about it..
Fighting in Bangkok is still giving us bug! Which is when we have lots of money that we gain from each fight, the money is not claimed and we don't have it at our hand!
Please see below screen-shot..

bangkok Fighting Bug

Sometimes you will also see +100,000 and the same thing happen..

What's happening? Where is the money???

This is my brief explanation.. It is happening because you are fighting in Bangkok while your opponents might be in Moscow, Cuba or New York city at that time! So when you get +65,000, your opponent is in Moscow and has some Rubles or perhaps in Cuba that you can get from your winning in fight. If you get +100,000, your opponent is in New York city..

Well sometimes if you get the money from one fight in Bangkok, that's mean your opponents has lots of Baht money on their hand.. You're lucky!

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