Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Gain Additional Bangkok Mastery Items

LTSF - Gain Additional Bangkok Mastery Items

Tiger Sak Yant

Royala Thai Police Tank

harpoon cannon

Armored War Elephant

his procedure has provided additional Bangkok Mastery Items.

The Bangkok Ep must be fully mastered (lvl 4 completed) for this to work.

1. Goto Bangkok > Jobs > Commandant Ep 4.
2. Travel to NY > Jobs > Enforcer (Tier 4). Do one job (does not seem to matter which job - so
pick a low energy one).

When the repeat job window has opened at the top of the job list - rapid click multiple times 'Do This Job
Again!'. Between 10-20 times seems to work well.

3. Before the Zynga server finishes processing the rapid click jobs - Click Travel > Bangkok.
Ideally the Zynga servers will process the NY jobs while you are in Bangkok - resulting in the chance
for you to get a Bangkok Mastery Item.

Some get the extra Mastery Item when they travel back to BK. Some travel to BK and a NY 'Do This Job
Again!' screen comes up - in which case they get the item when they do the job again immediately.

There have been reports that this works with BK Ep 1/NY Tier 1, 2/2 and 3/3 as well.

This procedure does not work every time. Your results may differ.

Thank you to the original LTSF source.

Source : Top Mafia Forum!

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